This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By badluckllama - 26/08/2017 12:25

Today my girlfriend and I were showing vacation pictures to her parents and brother, streamed from my phone to their smart-tv. By error a fellatio picture appeared in the rotation. It was awkward, and even though I skipped fast and they pretended not to see it, she won't do more xxx-pics ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18
You deserved it 99

Top comments

Nah man, this is here FML. Today, my boyfriend was showing my parents pictures from our vacation and he accidentally showed them one of me giving him a *******. He still wants me to take more xxx-pics. FML


Nah man, this is here FML. Today, my boyfriend was showing my parents pictures from our vacation and he accidentally showed them one of me giving him a *******. He still wants me to take more xxx-pics. FML