By Anonymous - 10/11/2015 06:29 - United States - Du Bois

Today, my girlfriend and I were talking about the difference between the U.S. and Canada when she asked me if they have their own government. She wasn't sure if they were governed by the U.S. or if they didn't have a government at all. She's a 33-year-old college graduate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 555
You deserved it 2 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They don't have a government at all. It's up to the citizens to print their own colorful money and make up arbitrary laws on the spot. If two citizens have conflicting laws, they fight to the death, and depending on the victor's subjective laws, they then might have to imprison them self.

Maybe she though we were all one country called the U.S of Eh


Unfortunately, there are many people like her. Last week I got in an argument with a friend because he said Canada is a territory. How do they graduate from high school...

JustinJK 21

Canadia is ruled and governed by her a mighty graciousness, the queen.

The Queen has no actual power over Canada, she's just a figurehead.

JustinJK 21

Actually, while Queen E would likely never use her power, she is our Head of State so she does still have power. The Governor-General is her representative in the country and could exercise her will if she chose to do so. It's the same role she plays in the United Kingdom and still just as unlikely that she would actively do anything.

I've always thought it would be interesting if she did use her power. Especially when it comes to elections when a PM has to ask for permission to form a Government. I'd love to know what would happen if she said no to someone becoming PM.

I know it's not the generality but when I was an exchange student in the US, I was actually stunned at the lack of general culture of some of some of these college kids. It seemed that anything outside the national (or sometimes States) borders was completely alien. As a French person, I cannot remember the amount of times I have been asked if we had a king or if I knew that French guy or girl they met once, as if France was a tiny village instead of a country with 60+ million people... But eh, at least I got a few good laughs :)

Everybody knows Canada is governed by cats, which is why they exiled Justin Bieber to the United States

There are SO MANY reasons we wanted Bieber out, but the support of the ruling cats did help send him packing.

Maybe an online college graduate. . maybe

mds9986 24

This doesn't depict American education at all. Just blatant stupidity. I had a fine education in my high school. Way more than enough to know that Canada isn't run by the US and has their own government.

Okay, we're not barbarians, we have our own government. The US is not all powerful, despite what Americans think.

Publikwerks 14

Well, they're not even a real country anyway...

Publikwerks 14

Welp, I feel old now. See, there is this movie called "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut". And in that movie, they have an emmy nominated song called "Blame Canada". One of the lines in that song was "They're not even a real country anyway".

Well did she ask you about the bacon also?