By pickit - 25/02/2010 02:26 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because I brought to her attention a rather large zit on the corner of her mouth. She called me an insensitive prick. I only pointed it out because I didn't want other people to see it and make fun of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 296
You deserved it 20 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That zit made her bit of a tit, and she had no wit, and your no longer with it, so be thankful for it :)

Quest_ 13

You pointed it out because you genuinely didn't believe she was already aware of it? You suck.


ghostwitch1863 0

sure it was a zit and not a herpes cold sore?

girls are such bitches anymore and pms over every little accident.

Just wondering.. why do some people's comments get moderated? is it cause their using profanity or something?

It's usually for unnecessary insults. It's a common-sense thing.

lovedud5 0

don't point that out...duuh of course she new

Only point it out if she can do something to cover it up or pop it. If she just has to sit there with it, don't bring it to her attention.

blubedy 0

you should have brought it up in a conversation and hinted that it looked really bad ,but it is a stupid thing to brake up with someone because of something they pointed out .

That's not something to break up about. Everyone's going to notice a huge ass zit near your mouth...and if they think like I do, they'll think it's Herpes.