By rightinthekarma - 19/12/2012 15:26 - Australia - Newcastle

Today, the girl I dumped three years ago because she wouldn't take my band seriously is now a successful and rich environmental scientist. Meanwhile, I'm still unemployed, living with my parents, and can barely remember how to play a guitar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 990
You deserved it 82 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PowerRussia 2

Lol that's what you get for dumping her for a dumbass reason dude. YDI

BeforeItWasCool 12

In a way, YDI. It seems you were one of the idiots who had no backup plan just in case music didn't work out. But in another way, I respect you for attempting your dreams. Maybe try getting a stable job, and getting your life back on track, and one day maybe you could try again! Just keep a job, and another plan on the back-burner, just in case!


Your pain will be short lived, the world should be ending soon.

kxxjoejoexxk 8

Rome invented leap year aztecs didnt use it. A year is 365 days and 6 hours so it would have happened some time ago -The more you know!

ConnyTheUnicorn 8

Probably going to get killed for saying this but, Karma's a bitch

It's so true... And hey your girlfriend had the right idea.

PowerRussia 2

Lol that's what you get for dumping her for a dumbass reason dude. YDI

Lant 6

And get out of your parents house!

BeforeItWasCool 12

In a way, YDI. It seems you were one of the idiots who had no backup plan just in case music didn't work out. But in another way, I respect you for attempting your dreams. Maybe try getting a stable job, and getting your life back on track, and one day maybe you could try again! Just keep a job, and another plan on the back-burner, just in case!

assuming he gave up guitar the day he dumped his GF, he's forgotten how to play guitar in 3 years. I'm assuming that the reality is that he continued that band for a while, so I question how seriously he took practicing to forget what should have been his passion (he dumped his GF over it!!) in less than 3 I wouldn't say he even attempted his dreams! he just defended them.

Hmm well maybe she was right. But hey you have FML.

It would be like that episode of the Simpsons when homer gets dumped by Marge but then he becomes a huge rock star... :')

Make her a song about how she was right and you were wrong. Or just suck it up and accept the fact that you are an idiot dumping her for such a reason.

Not really. He doesn't even remember how to play guitar anymore.

This 'even if you are now an adult freeloading off your parents and your talents have been proved amiss, still stick to your dreams' bollocks is the sort of totally naive shite that spews from the mouths of teenagers that have no idea how pointless or often irresponsible that advice is. See whether you can still feel that way in seven years time when you have friends clinging onto childish notions of success when, in reality, they are doing nothing but taking free food and board from their long suffering parents and everyone know that they lack the determination and/or skill and prefer simply to chat about their 'dreams'.

nonnieluv 9

Sounds like she was right and you missed out on a possibly good person.

skyeyez9 24

Well I hope you didn't try and weasel your way back into her life.

Yeah, especially now that she's successful and rich!

Honestly, who would have known back then that this is how it would have ended up, as the saying goes "hindsight is 20/20". Be proud for her, maybe you can rekindle something. Or if not, realize it's never too late to reinvent yourself.

CharresBarkrey 15

I don't think you understand what that saying means.

CharresBarkrey 15

"Hindsight is 20/20" means something happened in the past that would have been easy to see coming. 13 said no one could have known it was going to happen, and then used the saying. They used it incorrectly.

I think we have different definitions. I take it as the current person sees their past actions and how they could have it to better their current situation. No one could have known she'd be rich and he would be poor (as a studying chemist I can vouch that unless your definition of rich is $60G then it's slim it would happen) and be in the shit situation he is in. But now, in hindsight, he clearly sees that leaving her was a mistake. So, in effect, I stand with my wording.

I think we have different definitions. I take it as the current person sees their past actions and how they could have it to better their current situation. No one could have known she'd be rich and he would be poor (as a studying chemist I can vouch that unless your definition of rich is $60G then it's slim it would happen) and be in the shit situation he is in. But now, in hindsight, he clearly sees that leaving her and staying with the band was a mistake. So, in effect, I stand with my wording.

Oh dear Cristy, you're going to be one of those people that uses idioms incorrectly over and over and over again. Your poor friends.