By Anonymous - 19/06/2011 05:01 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me by putting a Post-it note on my locker that said, "Consider yourself dumped." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 829
You deserved it 4 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rico_Mal1116 0

Wow, that was low. Write her a post-it note saying "consider your self unworthy."

at least the sticky note will stick by you


iloveparc 0

17, ur gorgous just throwin that out there.. thought id say

id write my number on a sticky and give it to Mejiaa anyday!

post a sticky note on his locker saying " consider yourself an ass"

Bruno_Mars_Fan 0

Put a trash can over her head and say "Consider yourself a dump"

But Bruno mars would probably save her.

#58; YES!!!! that's what I do to solve ALL my relationship problems! :D like my bf's erectile dysfunction! one grenade up the ass and bam! problem fixed.

Bruno_Mars_Fan 0

A post-it note? Either she's a heartless bitch, or you're being pranked.

Or OP cheated or something? hmmmm possibilities are endless... ;)

She's been watching too much "Sex in the City".

hhaha I was going to make that reference but I wasn't sure anyone would get it.

Bruno_Mars_Fan 0
lulututu 4

Bin her, then stick the note to her forehead.

FYL, but you have got to give her props for originality.

DropDeadSerena 0

maybe it was someone else that wrote it as a prank? but if it was her then wow,she's a bitch.