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By Anonymous - 09/11/2014 08:37 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me via Twitter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 975
You deserved it 3 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People who break up with people through texting/social media are honestly my least favorite people. They don't even have the nerve to do it to your face so they hide and do it behind a screen. I'm sorry OP, I hope you find someone much better than her.

That is a terrible way of getting dumped. Don't sweat it though OP you will find a person to love who will love you back just as much! :)


That is a terrible way of getting dumped. Don't sweat it though OP you will find a person to love who will love you back just as much! :)

Don't worry OP I kinda know how you feel, my last gf broke up with me over text, she's not worth your time anyways :)

arent imessage and texting pretty much the same?

iAmPaul 49

29 - no they're pretty much are the same thing

incoherentrmblr 21

What a Twatter thing to do...

People who break up with people through texting/social media are honestly my least favorite people. They don't even have the nerve to do it to your face so they hide and do it behind a screen. I'm sorry OP, I hope you find someone much better than her.

At least she broke up with him in one way or another. I've had some people just stop talking to me, ignoring my texts etc. I feel like I'm intruding if I just go to their house or call them. So I'm not sure if I'm currently dating several guys that I haven't spoken to in a few months as there was no official break up, or they're just too scared to say anything.

right? totally know how you feel. happened to both me and my best friend so many times

One if my exes got some girl I don't know to come up to me and say that he "wants a break from dating" only find out a week later he asked out my "best friend" a day after breaking up with me and said yes.

Don't worry OP, my ex broke up with me via twitter too. Granted it was on DM, but it's still a terrible way to do things. You deserve better!

That's just scummy. If you can't work up the courage to break up with a person face to face than you don't even deserve to have dated them to begin with

Kevlar_burrito 6

Doesn't sound like she was all that to begin with...

#single Can anyone really just say we're done to their soon to be ex's face anymore?

Apparently some people think that's to much time and energy to do it in person.

Did she tweet it? If so, damn she's inconsiderate

Nah, she VOIPed over twitter. But, pretty much anything other than face to face is a bit cowardly, and easily a horrible way. (Text, email, phone call, through someone else!, pretending to have died....)

Pretending to have died is bad? Dammit.

Twitter also has private messages, butthead.

some people are completely inconsiderate of other people's feelings, even if they are breaking up with someone. unless you did something extremely terrible to deserve that, you should always be gental with a breakup. sorry op

#Shewasntworthitanyway. All jokes aside, people who break up with each other via social media are shallow. At the very least, you know what kind of person she is now.