By Oh hells no - 16/09/2013 07:26 - United States - Los Altos

Today, my girlfriend came home with a huge bouquet of roses. They were from an admirer, brainwashing her to think I'm a terrible boyfriend for not buying her flowers like he did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 556
You deserved it 12 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stormstarcj 12

Someone needs to step up in the romance department. Although, she probably bought them herself.


graphicstyle7 17

"All is fair in love and war" Truer words were never spoken.

Maybe you should start buying her flowers more often. I'm sure she'll love it!

Step up with a fruit bouquet! Those things are do much more awesome than flowers!

SpcNemo 10

Pull a Liam neeson on him. You don't know who he is. But you will find him. And you will kill him.

fyl and ydi. buy her some flowers every now and again

alexxxxxxxx_fml 6

Leave her while you can OP. the longer you wait, the harder its going to be to let go.

Uh, I doubt the admirer is "brainwashing" her. She has her own mind and her own opinions on whether or not you're a crappy boyfriend. If she happens to cheat or leave you, it's her problem and decision, not the other guy's. I'm sick of people being like "this dude stole my girlfriend!" If she was happy in the relationship, no amount of flowers from another guy would make her want to leave.

"brainwashing"? easy on the hyperbole there, sir.

Maybe u should buy her some flowers then.