By Gus - 30/11/2012 19:30 - Canada - Richmond

Today, my girlfriend confronted me for forgetting to take the trash out. At some point during the argument, I tried to calm her down, and the words "I should of" escaped my lips. She spent the next ten minutes calling me stupid and laughing at how my grammar goes to hell when I'm distressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 309
You deserved it 4 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a feeling this will be one of the most grammatically-corrected threads in the history of FML. That should serve as fair warning to all the "ur" idiots out there.

I think saying it is fine since it sounds like "should've." Your girlfriend sounds like a bitch, OP.


If this was all spoken aloud then pronunciation-wise why would she assume you were meaning "of" in place of "'ve"?

Why is she confronting you about trash and then having an argument about it? It's trash, just say "hey, please take the trash out" and then you get off your ass and do it. Life goes on.

warrantofficer94 2

Should've is should have, it has ve at the end. Does "of" have a v, or an e anywhere???

"should've" is an improper contraction for should have but comes out sounding like "should of". You're still right. High five.

perdix 29

Somehow, I think you're going to crack one day and blurt out a "YOLO." Your girlfriend will then launch a successful comedy career with material based on you.

That's just pronunciation. There is no discrimination against different accents of English saying they have improper use of grammar. Grammar is structure and wording, not vocal pronunciation.

Because it doesn't sound like you meant to say those exact words.