By (not) fucked - 16/05/2014 16:01 - United States - Kingsville

Today, my girlfriend decided that we won't be having any more sex until I beat her ridiculously high score on Flappy Bird. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 760
You deserved it 8 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's why you don't date a video game addict. Unless she needs to be sure your worthy...

I don't which is worse....that your girlfriend is that childish or that anyone is still playing Flappy Bird.

Get someone else to beat the score for you. Or jailbreak

grritsshay 18

You're screwed. Or...not screwed, I guess.

better start fappin.. I mean flappin....

Joshuawesome123 1

my high score is 419. I understand that you all will dislike this comment out of pure rage and jealousy, but so be it

So does this mean that there will be no more gifts or cuddling until the same such time? Seems fair to me.

redbolzelmo 2

If you don't what to leaver her, you should cheat. People are going to get mad at me for saying that, but its not like you deserve to be treated that way. I don't know if its worse then what she's doing, treating you like a pet with sex as treats.