By (not) fucked - 16/05/2014 16:01 - United States - Kingsville

Today, my girlfriend decided that we won't be having any more sex until I beat her ridiculously high score on Flappy Bird. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 760
You deserved it 8 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Seems like you will be a fappy bird for a while. ;)

liquidpwnage 15

If she's that unreasonable then there's more to it than that.

redbolzelmo 2

I thought the whole flappy bird thing was over by now...

angeloshaheen 8

It will be worst if u have a nokia

Haha well get a move on, what are you waiting for?

She wants you to develop your fingering skills.

Durantye 8

Honestly she can't possibly be serious. Though if she is just make her think you are going to a hooker. Better yet actually go to one.

Better hope that you app doesn't get 'accidentally' deleted because there's no getting it back. Lol