By khaelian - 10/11/2010 17:22 - United States

Today, my girlfriend fell down the stairs and broke her ankle. She also had a bruise on her leg due to her friend biting her. I spent the night in the hospital to be there for her and support her, but I should have expected that the nurses would treat me like a criminal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 449
You deserved it 2 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrandonG_fml 0
green_eyes124 0

Why did her friend bite her? Gosh, all these vampire movies and tv shows have people going crazy! : )


restythestar 0

her friend bit her? what is she? 9 yo?

I can't stand it when people judge others without hearing their side of the story/:

**** what the stupid nurses think ! its their problem if they draw conclusions without knowing anything about what happened!

blaze_1492 0

Ha ha did she "fall" after she took too long getting you your 8th beer and forgot to have yo sammich ready?! They always seem to fall after that.. Usually several times in a row... Lol

Dude OP, you kinda sound like a bitch. This seems more like an f your girlfriends life, afterall she's the one with the broken ankle. You're over here pouting cause some random nurses who don't know you or what actually happened question your motive, you can't blame them for being objective. Can you imagine the kind of stories they have to sift through in the ER when accidents occur just to get the truth.

sinnedrebel 0

posting your cover story on FML will still not make the judge believe it either, stop biting and pushing your girlfriend down the stairs when you fight over last piece of meth.

Pushing people down stairs is tge only way! End the Zombie Virus!

Been there done that, course my ex wife had a broken wrist and two cracked ribs after she crashed her 4 wheeler. The police actually interviewed both of us! I couldn't stop laughing at the cop......he didn't see the humor....

DDiamonds 0