By khaelian - 10/11/2010 17:22 - United States

Today, my girlfriend fell down the stairs and broke her ankle. She also had a bruise on her leg due to her friend biting her. I spent the night in the hospital to be there for her and support her, but I should have expected that the nurses would treat me like a criminal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 459
You deserved it 2 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrandonG_fml 0
green_eyes124 0

Why did her friend bite her? Gosh, all these vampire movies and tv shows have people going crazy! : )


Are you sure it was her "friend" that bit her?

No. It was her kinky, sex slave of a lover. Home girl's a cheater

aww that's so cold, some ppl (most ppl) r such bitchs!

Aww, that's so cold. Some people (most people) are such bitches!*

Vampires? You guys don't understand the severity of this FML. There's a zombie outbreak happening this very instant and you're all joking around.

Haha! You dumbass. You think zombies are real?? How stupid can you bzrmphmmfsatkk

teogaga 3

girlfriend by day, vampire by night

Gloritank 8

If you believe in Jesus, you believe in zombies. he rose from the dead.

Win! Sounds like the start of an outbreak to me! :)

57- win. Also I'm cathlic and very scared now.

I agree it's kinky... Her friend biting her on the leg..

bloodyfreak_fml 4

Unfortunately medical providers are bound by law to report any signs of abuse. They can be arrested if they don't so if a case comes in that might possibly be abuse then they have to investigate it a bit further.

InCrediFuqAmaZin 0

bla they're just man haters, they hate you regardless if you did it or not, just even more if you did..... you have a penis so lose lose situation bro

varkey 7

Haha it happens :) But what counts is that you were being supportive and you and your girlfriend know the truth :)

That kind of sucks but at least you and your girlfriend know the truth.. that's all that matters.