By Anonymous - 24/01/2013 01:44 - United States - Waldorf

Today, my girlfriend found out you can use food coloring in anything. Everything she cooks is now in bright neon colors. I feel like I'm in a Dr Seuss book. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 668
You deserved it 6 176

Same thing different taste


Is she using the liquid kind? I can only ever find the paste kind now and I don't like it!

the pastes are more healthy they lack many of the carcinogens that the liquid ones have.

You're gonna be crapping rainbows for a while...

eoko 12

I don't see how this could be either a YDI or FYL. She's cooking you food, so get over it.

_W00H00_ 6

Just wait. It'll turn your poop colors.

I don't really see how this is bad? Get over it, people have way worse problems than their girlfriend making them colored food

_Burnett89 9

Sounds like a pretty cool girlfriend to me on the bright side at least she cooks

Paperclypse13 7

She is having fun! Participate in her joy!!!

You have a girlfriend, she cooks for you, and her cooking is edible. ... So, where is a problem? Stop complaining and enjoy it.