By Stu - 19/06/2012 09:59 - United States

Today, my girlfriend got a Twitter account. Now she won't stop hashtagging everything she sends me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 684
You deserved it 2 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My friend used to do that. Then, whenever he sent me something hashtagged, I'd reply with #thisisnottwitter. He stopped pretty quick.

Streeet_hayley 6

How could 3 commenters in a row all get the hashtag placement wrong.


Just when I thought hashtagging everything couldn't get any worse, I read this FML, and three comments in a row have them in the wrong place. How does that even happen?

yrs ago,that was the pound sign now its a hashtag. smh

45-Thanks! I've seen it all over but never knew what the purpose of it was.

Twitter is the stupidest social networking site yet. I mean, I don't care if you're brushing your teeth or taking a piss. -.-

Do it to her every time she does it to you, she will stop pretty quickly i bet

#veeerginnner #yolo #sucksbrah #hashtag