By nhyari - 25/08/2014 18:58 - South Africa - Cape Town

Today, my girlfriend got her period. It seemed more painful for her than usual, so I offered to go out and buy some painkillers and maybe some chocolate for her. She thought I was being sarcastic and slapped me so hard I saw stars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 169
You deserved it 4 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PoisonOrchid 21

Next time, just toss the chocolate and Midol at her and run.

it makes me so mad when girls use their period as an excuse to go all out bitch mode -_- seriously,.you're ovary-acting.


katydid91 31

And this is why I warn my loved ones that I'm about to get my period. I just casually let those close to me know by saying something like: "Hey, Just to let you know I'm about to get my period, so please try not to take offense if I'm unusually crabby this week." So that no feelings are hurt and my loved ones don't think I'm psychotic!

That is honestly the best thing to do if you know you get crabby. I let my bf know when mine's about to hit because we have to make sure that I have pain meds and/or booze which is the only way for me to get through 24-72 hrs worth of cramps (been to a doc, too bad, so sad). Thankfully my bf's like op, so I often find an extra chocolate bar with the pain meds, and I'm not like the op's hopefully ex gf.

Just give her something like Midol or Pamprin, and bring her something sweet. You'll be fine.

Awh! That was a sweet offer but that was so rude of her to slap you!

That is absolutely horrible. There's no excuse for that. You need to leave her before you get seriously hurt.

killerdana 19

I disagree. I think he should speak up and tell her what a bitch she's being. A lot of girls would love to have a boyfriend that sweet

You underestimated the power a period can give us. You're lucky you can still see outta that eye on that side of your face. Next time Toss it in and retreat.

AngryRabbit 2

At least they weren't falling pink stars.... Doubt anyone will get my reference, but for some reason, it was the first thing I thought of when reading this. I blame the Motrin PM (for a headache and sleep, not PMS) and that it was a show I just finished watching.

So there IS someone else watching the train wreck that is "Under the Dome"!

To diverge from the main topic, yes, there is. It's a lot like Lost. It makes 0 sense and probably will end with them all dead, or in a coma, or psych ward, or something

Ugh, I hate when girls use their periods as an excuse to be vapid and bitchy. Just because you're feeling gross and moody doesn't mean you need go around slapping people. You sound like a great boyfriend OP, most guys are disgusted by anything involving PMS :)

Oh wow ! Can you just imagine what that girl is going to be like when she gets pregnant?!!! Seriously though , I feel for you OP. You have to find a way to stay out of range and ignore your GF when she turns into a werewolf. Best of luck to you !

skittyskatbrat 19

I just had a horrible thought of what it would be like if she raised a daughter to behave the same way...any husband she manages to trap better take up a traveling salesman position and/or go into hiding permanently. :( UGH. Yeah, time to ditch her, she's found out she can hit him w/no repercussions and so it's just going to go downhill unless he's DAMNED lucky.

Break up with the bitch. You can do better bro! No one should be disrespected like that by there girl.

cynical78 15

Reverse the situation and the man gets vilified and goes to jail. But is since its PMS it's okay....

squideth 18

65% of violence that men commit is against their significant others. Not only that, but I only counted like THREE people stupidly defending what this girl did. Literally everyone else is discussing how disgusting and abusive this is. Nice straw man tho.