By Jaws - 10/02/2011 16:09 - France

Today, I got slapped in the face by my girlfriend with a banana skin, because I finished up the chocolate cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 780
You deserved it 38 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pro tip: always check with your lady first before eating the last bit of chocolate in the house. bad things can happen when you don't.

Banana peels are not that hard. You big baby.


PSQ91 6

Big deal. Get over it you wuss.

whether op deserves it or not is completely contingent on whose cake it was, don't get between a girl and her cake!

not only did you eat the cake but it was chocolate cake, double offense

you're lucky it was just a banana peel!

U GUYS R ALL MISSING THE POINT. She slaughtered an innocent banana to for the sake of avenging chocolate. It's because of inconsiderate bitches like her that my people are going extinct!!!

Haha! Hmmmmm.... This is quite shallow and pedantic.... Hmmmm yes.

no no no, the peel was from the banana he was eating while telling her he already ate the cake

if it was chocolate YDI bcuz what if she was on her period? but if it were some other kind of cake FYL

132, you sir, win, for the epic use of a Family Guy reference. :D

Kelita 0

is that suppose to b Justin Beiber.....?? Ew LMAO!!!

pro tip: always check with your lady first before eating the last bit of chocolate in the house. bad things can happen when you don't.

eman1127 0

you don't look so skinny yourself asshole.

Jlperry. He didn't say being fat was a bad thing, he also didn't say that he was skinny. So how about you think twice before insulting someone.

Yes, because only fat people eat cake. Also who are you to judge when you have a chubby child as your profile pic?

Oh the irony. Maybe it's a sign you should be eating healthy food and not junk food? =p

puffballexhibit 0

maybe a sign he's got a fat gf, slap over chocolate cake=overkill...

Tomatobee 4

Well goodness, how much of the cake was left?

lil_miss_blair 0
randiZ25 0

exactly never get in-between a women and her cake.. that's a very dangerous place..

I would never assume that someone is fake just because they are beautiful (which you are :) but if you really are just 18 you should probably change to a picture that does nit have you drinking Champaign ;)

Miss Blair, you are beautiful. Good advice to Op though. Never eat the last piece of cake unless asking.

hey don't brag about yourself, miss play boy. damn, your a hoe! ps, change the picture. your whole freakin boobs are hanging out. have some pride. and don't think I am just some random jealous girl. I am a straight guy.

162, actually your profile specifically says "miss". Fail much...?