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By GoldCyclone - 11/07/2015 17:47 - United States - Des Moines

Today, my girlfriend heard a great quote about not letting anyone drag her down. She took it to mean, "break up with your boyfriend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 962
You deserved it 3 631

GoldCyclone tells us more.

To clear things up, I have been in love with her for 3 years, and we've been dating for 2 and a half. She's always seemed happy, and said that she wouldn't date someone she didn't have feelings for, which is why this came as such a shock to me.

Top comments

pleasedie 22

Well are you dragging her down ?


DaEpicTaco 13

Wow well you deserve better op.

Not necessarily. Maybe he was dragging her down. He'd do well to use this as a learning experience, be honest with himself, and maybe ask her for an exit interview. Breakups should be about maturing so that you do not bring your issues into the next relationship.


100% agree. sometimes people don't realize how they affect others.

If she breaks up with you for that, she'd probably find some diffrent stupid reason later down the road if she didn't hear that one. It sucks that it happens, but I guess better now than later, and you'll find someone better.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

Maybe she broke up with him because it did pertain to the quote? some partners just mentally and emotionally bring you down..

Don't break a sweat over spilt milk. Move on and forward

jezka374 15

Everyone interprets things differently... Maybe you should interpret that your ex was dragging you down and you can do better without her!

Actually, it was advice for you. Idiocy like that can only drag you down.

pleasedie 22

Well are you dragging her down ?

To clear things up, I have been in love with her for 3 years, and we've been dating for 2 and a half. She's always seemed happy, and said that she wouldn't date someone she didn't have feelings for, which is why this came as such a shock to me.

Hey, at least now you know she won't be able to drag you down. Find someone who will appreciate you for being there for them.

cooltatgar 31

Drag her to the basement, and ..... love her peacefully.