By WTF - 14/07/2013 20:08 - United States - Ann Arbor

Today, my girlfriend of six weeks dumped me when she learned that Macedonia, where I was born, is in Europe. Apparently, she thought that I was "Asian" and she doesn't want to date a "white guy." Yeah, I'm totally confused too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 523
You deserved it 3 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know what it is with people and racism.

Obviously she wants to date and procreate with someone who's Asian because her intelligence is so incredibly lacking. That's the only thing I can come up with.


JoseIsAdork 31

weird question but was she white?? people can be so damn racist!! sorry op but at least you avoided being with an idiot!!

MissesVakarian 6

Sounds like a weeaboo. Be glad you're rid of her.

Funnyguyproblems 1
AppleJuiceBox 10

If your from Macedonia, doesn't that make you Greek?

I'm not too sure where Macedonia is but Greece is in Europe. He's still European.

Macedonia is a Slavic country north of Greece, but also a region in Greece. That's why there's some confusion.

rebellionwars 11

Lol'd. Calling her racist because she prefers Asian men? You guys are ******* stupid. That's not racism, that's preference. Do you even know what racism is? She never stated she hates Caucasian men. My God, people are deluded.

Well if you dump someone specifically and only because of their race and/or date someone specifically and only because of their race, then you are in fact racist.

synijazzi 7

Wow that's messed up I'm from struga in macedonia!!!!

Maybe she was confusing Asian with Caucasian?

ynlndvspsv 6

well she doesn’t know what she’s missing ya know #slavs