By connorcaffery - 18/09/2015 21:24 - Canada - Campbell River

Today, my girlfriend told me she has decided to become a stay-at-home mom for our dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 271
You deserved it 2 887

connorcaffery tells us more.

A little background info. I've been with my girlfriend for four years- She is not the type to make me work while she does shit all. We did have a long talk about this. She is just very stressed out as she is not here for 3 days out of the week because she makes a 2 hour commute to and from university every week and when she is here she works. She is just stressed and tired and feeling guilty about not spending enough time with our dog pepsi. She is not lazy, and certainly not a bitch just struggling keeping up with all aspects of her life right now. Thanks to all the nice and supportive comments we both appreciate them. :)

Top comments

blazerman_fml 17

Funny my dog is a stay at home mom for me!


CyanideCyan 12

So basically, she wants to stay home and be lazy and you do all the work?

fotomiep 7

Did you ask her when she felt ready to have another litter?

saffy66 34

This is why you shouldn't have pets - or kids - with someone before you really know them. Unfortunately too many people see the outer attractiveness and don't bother to screen for ugliness in the personality. Seriously OP, did you not have some hint that this woman just wanted someone to sponge off? I didn't vote YDI but only because some people are very skilled at hiding their inner ugliness till they suck you in.

You're an idiot. I got my dog with my now exboyfriend. Going in, I was under the understanding we would be doing it together. It quickly became apparent that I would be doing all of the obedience training, housebreaking, walks, vet trips, etc. by myself. And it's a decision I've never regretted. My dog is my world and I never would've gotten him if not for an idiot I dated for two years.

Asinger06 1

If you love her, talk to her. Ask her why she wants to become a stay-at-home mom for the dog. Find out what's going on with her, is it stress, depression or something else. Or is it truly she just doesn't want to work and wants you to financially support her.

I was thinking that, people are quick to scream 'sponger' but I can't believe a truly happy person would want to stay at home with their pet every day.

The why is incredibly important. And details such as why you didn't have a say in this. Should do a follow up OP