By connorcaffery - 18/09/2015 21:24 - Canada - Campbell River

Today, my girlfriend told me she has decided to become a stay-at-home mom for our dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 271
You deserved it 2 887

connorcaffery tells us more.

A little background info. I've been with my girlfriend for four years- She is not the type to make me work while she does shit all. We did have a long talk about this. She is just very stressed out as she is not here for 3 days out of the week because she makes a 2 hour commute to and from university every week and when she is here she works. She is just stressed and tired and feeling guilty about not spending enough time with our dog pepsi. She is not lazy, and certainly not a bitch just struggling keeping up with all aspects of her life right now. Thanks to all the nice and supportive comments we both appreciate them. :)

Top comments

blazerman_fml 17

Funny my dog is a stay at home mom for me!


I wish I could unvote for this. Animals are family too. She should spend her time with your animals. You, sir, are an asshole for considering this an FML -- she deserves a better boyfriend. Treat your animals like family.

leogachi 15

@32 How do you know that he doesn't treat his dog like family? His gf shouldn't be making huge relationship decisions without him. If she's decided to work from home, I'm sure Op would be okay with it, but if she decided by herself that they only need on income, she's an asshole.

moo77_fml 20

What a lazy bint!!! I just hope you're up for being her sugar daddy ???

TMO2142 25

Next thing she tells you is she is preg

quarterbird 18

Please, tell me that you put your foot down. If you allowed her to arbitrarily change the financial dynamics of your relationship, you're a doormat and are in for a world of trouble and heartache.

She either see's it your way, or pack her ass up and ship her to her mama. She's lazy.

Maybe she could get a job at one of those doggy daycare places and the dog could go to work with her. She can be with the dog WHILE earning an income.

Did not think of that. Thumbs for you! Should be arriving in about three to five business days

conman531 23

I have heard of people saying their going to do this. Can't believe someone actually did it

Why doesn't she work from home? There are tons of telecommuting jobs out there. And with an open mind, you'll find being an ebay seller is both extremely profitable and fun! eBay even gives benefits to regular sellers, and you can choose to drop ship so you don't have to package everything you sell. Check out Skip McGrath for more information. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to be a part of the typical 9-5 job where you have to constantly deal with frustrating bosses, employees, and customers. Just most people don't know how to get around it and they're seen as lazy. I love being my own boss and working from home!

leogachi 15

@50 I knew you were working from home before finishing your comment.