By worriedman - 03/07/2015 15:52 - United States - Chicago

Today, my girlfriend told me that once you love somebody you can never truly fall "out of love" with them. She wasn't talking about me, she was talking about her ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 092
You deserved it 2 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not true though, but the only advice I can give you is just try moving on, and you'll eventually find yourself falling for someone else

Wizardo 33

Apparently you can fall over and break it though. My advice is **** loving her and move on. You just got saged.


I and my ex husband's ex girlfriends beg to differ.

You should dump her and tell her to go back to her ex then.

It seems that she has already broken up with him and gone back to her ex. Or she will be soon.

That must've been awkward. Sounds like you don't need to love her anymore! And she's a liar, time heals all wounds. You think you love someone when you've never really had someone (or recognized) that truly cared for you.

SaniK 17

While she is right, it's not classy to say that to your new romance in reference to your old.

She dosen't deserve to date you if she is still in love with her ex.

GoldLeader 19

I think I know a few divorced people who would argue that's not at all true. Sounds like you were a rebound relationship:-( I feel sad for you man, that stings hard core!

I don't know much about these things but this could have come about as part of a conversation where she is trying to be honest and say that sometimes you can love the ideal of a person. I think you can be in love with people at the same time and love one person a lot more than another. Maybe she worded it badly and meant that a piece of her will not forget their time together and wishes it could have been different, but it wasn't?

That's what I was thinking. I have a few old ex's that I think that I still love at least a little bit, but nowhere near as much as I love the person I'm currently dating. While it may not be true that you always love people you used to be with, I don't think this should be a deal breaker, and OP should just have a long talk with her about this.

I agree. not everyone works out in relationships but that doesn't stop you from caring about or having love for someone. Maybe she loves her ex but is IN love with Op. There is a major difference.

Nonexistentguy 7

Maybe he doesn't know that you're highly allergic. But either way, he is a bad dad for not knowing

That's on her for dating someone when she's still not over her ex. She probably wasn't even ready for another relationship. Sorry, OP :( Let her go so she can have time to cope.