By worriedman - 03/07/2015 15:52 - United States - Chicago

Today, my girlfriend told me that once you love somebody you can never truly fall "out of love" with them. She wasn't talking about me, she was talking about her ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 092
You deserved it 2 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not true though, but the only advice I can give you is just try moving on, and you'll eventually find yourself falling for someone else

Wizardo 33

Apparently you can fall over and break it though. My advice is **** loving her and move on. You just got saged.


Break up with her, now you're the ex.

To me it's more like you always love the first version. I mean obviously something changed for them to break up. So the person she first met is who still kinda loves. I don't know if that makes sense.

false. I love none of the people I used to love

Which is why I'm afraid to get into any new relationships as I'm currently trying to move on from my first boyfriend and I don't want to hurt another guy by deep down still having feelings for someone else.

Don't wait too long though. If you're single for a long time, you tend to brood over the past, which will make it even harder to forget the ex and move on. Meeting other people is the best way to take your mind off the breakup. Just take it slowly, no need to pour your heart out about the ex on your first date :)

nitrog100 21

In your case, I actually think you should try new relationships. Because he was your first serious boyfriend, that's all you've ever known. Without a proper frame of reference, i.e. recovering from a breakup and meeting someone else, you may never feel ready for a new relationship.

EgyptianPride98 8

I agree with the girlfriend to some extent. You may not be in love with the person, but you will always care about them, even if it's just a little bit. You might still love them, just in a different way. You can't erase someone from your life that meant a great deal to you that easily. There will always be emotions attached to the person.

Exactly! Of course the exes (or at least some of them) will always have a special place in your heart, even if you have moved on and don't want to get back together with them, but that is clearly not the thing a new boyfriend wants to hear. Some things are best left unsaid.

All units, fall back! Repeat, we're pulling out!

Christoph_Blaski 12

You're better off without her man

It was stupid of her to tell you that, but having been there, I can say that it's true.

It's 2015; let's grow up and stop calling women *****. Still, that's a shitty thing to hear from somebody who's supposed to be your one and only. People are saying she'll regret going back to him because she broke up with her ex for a reason, but I wonder if he actually broke up with her because she made him feel as hurt and insecure as OP does now.