By worriedman - 03/07/2015 15:52 - United States - Chicago

Today, my girlfriend told me that once you love somebody you can never truly fall "out of love" with them. She wasn't talking about me, she was talking about her ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 092
You deserved it 2 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not true though, but the only advice I can give you is just try moving on, and you'll eventually find yourself falling for someone else

Wizardo 33

Apparently you can fall over and break it though. My advice is **** loving her and move on. You just got saged.


typical knee jerk reaction from some ppl.. telling u to dump ur gf. my advise dont do it. she is a keeper cause she has courage to be true to her feelings. also what she has said is true for everyone who has loved. u dont truly fall out but u grow over ur feelings and move on.

Everyone here is stupid and has clearly never loved someone enough to judge :/

So you can burn their house down and try to kill than while still NOT Falling out of love? Every relationship is (or should be) unique and the way they start and end should be too...

I don't think she was being particularly tactful, but that doesn't mean she's completely wrong. it can take a long long time to got over a real love, but that doesn't mean you can't fall for someone new in the meantime.

"Falling in love" is such a ridiculous misnomer. You do not "fall", but you make a conscience decision to love someone. People make this 'love' meaningless when you fall in and out of things. If you fall into something it is just as easy to fall out of something also. Rather, choose wisely by being a friend to the person your dating. If true love develops then great. If not, then you made a friend and not an enemy.

glorywalrus 2