By migsman - 15/09/2010 02:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me to stop saying "I love you" so much because it's starting to annoy her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 351
You deserved it 19 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

Saying any combination of words over and over can be annoying no matter how heartfelt they may be.

well it would get annoying if you kept saying it


my girlfriend said the exact same thing.

oOo_noshedidnt 0

That really does get annoying like if you say it to much you lose the real meaning of the word don't throw it around so much

for once in my life I don't want to be mean and say 'YDI' however, my ex said it so much that I wouldn't say it back at all. and sometimes I would respond with 'you do?' lol It does loose it's meaning when overused, and she prob thinks that you r saying it all the time cuz u are scared to lose her. Be confident! that's SEXY ;)

nbviper2007 0
cheerXtreme13 0

I told my boyfriend that too. it starts to lose its meaning if you say it too much

my girlfriend did that to me to so i went out with her 2nd best friend:)

I can understand that. I mean she knows you love her and saying it over and over again can feel oppressive and make you seem insecure or like you're trying to hide something

sry :/ but sometimes to much affection is a bad thing :(