By migsman - 15/09/2010 02:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me to stop saying "I love you" so much because it's starting to annoy her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 351
You deserved it 19 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

Saying any combination of words over and over can be annoying no matter how heartfelt they may be.

well it would get annoying if you kept saying it


You should send her a big, warm **** YOU. What a bitch.

boredgirl_02 14

we like to hear it, but not so many times that its not meaningful. its like your saying it out of habit not cause you mean it. Ive been annoyed by this in the past.

Well, saying a lot can get really annoying and make you seems clingy.

don't take it to heart. my boyfriend used to say it almost all the time and not only was it a little annoying that he said it every 5 seconds, it actually started to lose meaning. don't let that happen.

I love my boyfriend to death and love when he tells me he loves me, but if he says it too much it gets very annoying. It's not necessarily the words you're saying it's just the constant repetitiveness.

scottishoatmeal 22

I had a boyfriend who use to say it to me all the time. and it really was annoying.