By migsman - 15/09/2010 02:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me to stop saying "I love you" so much because it's starting to annoy her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 351
You deserved it 19 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

Saying any combination of words over and over can be annoying no matter how heartfelt they may be.

well it would get annoying if you kept saying it


Hi miss erica. After reading some comments, I thought that I would tell you that iin my honest opinion you don't look attractive. So, i guess that proves you're not all that because not everyone in the world thinks you look sexy. Sure you may not take my opinion into account but then that proves my other point that you only give respect to people who just agree with you. :)

I don't see what's wrong with a guy being affectionate but if she's gonna be like that he should start showing his hateful side

if he is clingy or nervous and says it too much i can understand how she felt. i had a guy who told me i was pretty like every other sentence and it did get really annoying really fast. fyi to guys out there, if u say something too often, it really does become less special and can even get on a girl's nerves

LauraElaineC 0

How many times did you say it? For God's sake.

For the Record: MissErikaHart, you are a conceited bitch. If you had any amount of class IRL then you would show at least some of it on here. Congratulations on your 12-year-old-texting grammar, too. Explain to us again how you can get any guy that you want? I wouldn't hit that in a million years.

she Is just sick of you basically. once they say that get ready for the end

Lol. I can't believe this is still going. Guess I hurt your feelings misserikahart. I'd apologize but I have some Burger King, Wendy's and whatever else to eat. You are so clever and witty!

tdawgheath 0

So...stop saying it so much. Seriously, it is annoying to have it said every five minutes. To anyone. Grow up before you start posting FML's about every little insignificant detail about your life.