By nothing - 08/04/2009 20:42 - United States

Today, my good friend who just had a baby girl sent her newborn's pictures to me via picture message. To reply, instead of writing "Awwwwww" I wrote "Ewwwwww" by mistake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 884
You deserved it 63 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry babies are usually ugly. Also YDI for not proof reading.

EffinWhosLife 0

Ouch, the friendship has just sunk.


AK 2

You write that many w's and you don't even notice the beginning letter? Well, I hope she forgives you.

So just send another message saying what you meant...

ohhhhshizzz 0

#9, you can't even spell APOLOGIZING correctly how dare you call someone else stupid? And its kind of YDI, cause you should have paid attention but I don't all of the time so I know exactly what you mean.

Haha something like that happened to me before. I was playing halo with my friend whose screename is 'a duck'. He killed me and I typed "I've just been killed by a dick." when I meant duck.

Look before you send. It's that simple.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#9, you can't even spell APOLOGIZING correctly how dare you call someone else stupid? And its kind of YDI, cause you should have paid attention but I don't all of the time so I know exactly what you mean.

vashjmv 0

Your friend is only your friend if he laughs too. Because that shit's funny.

learn how to type & look up at the screen, maybe?