By nothing - 08/04/2009 20:42 - United States

Today, my good friend who just had a baby girl sent her newborn's pictures to me via picture message. To reply, instead of writing "Awwwwww" I wrote "Ewwwwww" by mistake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 887
You deserved it 63 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry babies are usually ugly. Also YDI for not proof reading.

EffinWhosLife 0

Ouch, the friendship has just sunk.


lifeislife_fml 0

At least it's easy to explain :P

babyqueball718 0

that's okay....i just saw some pics of a newborn....i kinda wanted to barf. lots of goo and crusty stuff. i wouldve said eww.

poopookaka 0

lmfaaaaaaao thats fkn hilarious I wonder what her reaction was lmao

4bbaf9d3caaa8f84 20

wow, one letter can make such a big difference...

lmaokrn 0

fail for failing to attempt an FML moment

Monty_Python 0

FYL. It was an accident so she probably won't hold it against you.

likewhoachea 0

Today, I sent a picture of my newborn baby to a good friend via picture messaging on my cell phone. . She replied, "Ewwwwww". FML