By nothing - 08/04/2009 20:42 - United States

Today, my good friend who just had a baby girl sent her newborn's pictures to me via picture message. To reply, instead of writing "Awwwwww" I wrote "Ewwwwww" by mistake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 884
You deserved it 63 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry babies are usually ugly. Also YDI for not proof reading.

EffinWhosLife 0

Ouch, the friendship has just sunk.


If she has an iphone, granted you can't do mms on it, the iPhone often decides that it knows better than you and will type something different.

just send an explanation, tard. not an FML.

planetearth 0

hahahahahha this made me laugh out loud seriously...

Holy shit, I got a good laugh out of this. Mostly because I could see myself doing the same thing, if I hadn't gotten a cell phone with a full qwerty. Happened ALL the time when I used T9 on my old cell... Sooooo ******* funny.

Banthestrandland 0

Proofreading: truly God's work.

lmf88 0

yeah this isn't a very good fml, it's so simple to just fix it.

haha this actually made me lol. hilarious.

YDI for not immediately texting her back with an explanation. Or, you're just wasting everyone's time because you apologized, explained, and nothing at all bad came out of it. Your good friend would understand, I'm sure.

moosey1234 0

omgg i'm soo sorry tht happened!! i hate txting. . .

RoadkillZoo 0

LOL thats the most awesome mistake I have ever heard of. You win, haha.