By nothing - 08/04/2009 20:42 - United States

Today, my good friend who just had a baby girl sent her newborn's pictures to me via picture message. To reply, instead of writing "Awwwwww" I wrote "Ewwwwww" by mistake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 887
You deserved it 63 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry babies are usually ugly. Also YDI for not proof reading.

EffinWhosLife 0

Ouch, the friendship has just sunk.


Oh come on, how do you press 3 twice by accident instead of pressing 2 just once? Again, water... this story holds none.

No. Your first answer sounds about right. People always want you to goo goo and awww over their new babies. But newborns are ugly, smelly, wrinkled little bags of puke!

Must people really call fake on every FML? Does it matter if these things happened or not? They're funny, they make people laugh, get over yourselves. Like someone said before, if you want true stories go to crimestoppers and mentally stick a 'FML' on the end of each one. If you want giggles then come here and stop bitching.

how do you mess something like that up? if your phone has a full keyboard the a and e are nowhere near eachother....if you text by letter/number...the e and a are in complete opposite places/positions on the phone. you are an idiot and you deserved that

acro_actress95 0

Oh wow. You could always tell her that it was an accident say what you meant to say and apologize. :) I'm sure she'll understand.

This isn't really a FML... because all you had to do was text her again and say you made a spelling error. Problem solved.