By anonymous - 23/04/2009 01:46 - United States

Today, my grandma and I were watching the Ranger's playoff game. As Henrik Lundqvist received a standing ovation from the crowd after blocking 38 shots, she says to me, "Check out his equipment!" My 80-year old grandma just commented on Henrik Lundqvist's package. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 262
You deserved it 4 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL for being a rangers fan. good luck trying to get past boston.

or she was talking about his goddamn hockey equipment. you're retarded


Yeah nana! Your grandma's awesome, go give her a hug!

marimari 0

to #7, I think #5 was being sarcastic, the rangers are a baseball team not hockey...

ZackAttack20 0

are you dumb too? The NEW YORK RANGERS are an NHL hockey team and Henrik Lundqvist is their goalie.

camrin69 0

Stop failing at life #12. I agree with #2. GO DUCKS!

Loe_307 0

#12, Uhmmmm how exactly do you "block 38 shots" in baseball? There are other sports out there.

augustheat821 0

#12 definitely fails at life hahahahaha

sammyg 0

Damn if his package is showing through the goalie gear, then it does deserve to be commented on. Even by Grandma Jamison.

HoldMeDown_fml 0

Lundqvist is one of the hottest players in the NHL, who cares if an older woman notices. At least you got to watch the game.

that is HILARIOUS & exactly what i would have said. sports are boring as hell except for your occasional attractive dude. your g-ma has hormones. deal with it! anyway, this is def. not a FML. you won't even remember it in a week, and if you do, then baseball is waaaay too important to you

ZackAttack20 0

baseball? it's about hockey idiot

poopshootface 0