By anonymous - 23/04/2009 01:46 - United States

Today, my grandma and I were watching the Ranger's playoff game. As Henrik Lundqvist received a standing ovation from the crowd after blocking 38 shots, she says to me, "Check out his equipment!" My 80-year old grandma just commented on Henrik Lundqvist's package. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 262
You deserved it 4 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL for being a rangers fan. good luck trying to get past boston.

or she was talking about his goddamn hockey equipment. you're retarded


thelonelylurker 0

Do us all a favour and kill yourself right now. I'm ashamed to think that I'm breathing the same air as you!

Agreed to #2, Rangers don't stand a chance, except for a slightly better goalie. Anyways, goalie cups are huge, it would be impossible NOT to notice them.

greatnt249 0

I second #2...provided you finish what you started, good luck getting past Boston. #12, you're just an idiot.

#12, there are the texas rangers baseball team, and the new york rangers hockey team, a team lundqvist plays for, which are in playoffs right now, versus a season just starting up.

camrin69 0

I have a feeling #19 either is illiterate in the sense that they can't read but can write, or, is creating a mockery. Also, don't understand how remembering your grandmother checking out a guy ties into a sport being "waaaay too important" to someone. You may being referring to the saves. My jerkness put to the side, I agree, it's not an FML.

actonthat 0

This is a stupid FML. Stop being a Ranger fan so I don't have to be ashamed and can continue celebrating.

well, our swedish boys sure have nice equpiments very kind of your granny to notice xD

oh_dee 0

LOL I love this one just because it's about the Rangers, whom I love with all my heart =) And by the way, she was obviously talking about his hockey equipment. The Rangers WILL beat Boston because they have Lundqvist and Tortorella! Rangers FTW!

you're a dumbass for taking a perfectly legitimate statement about hockey equipment and pretending she meant otherwise just so you could get published on fml. YDI!