By anonymous - 23/04/2009 01:46 - United States

Today, my grandma and I were watching the Ranger's playoff game. As Henrik Lundqvist received a standing ovation from the crowd after blocking 38 shots, she says to me, "Check out his equipment!" My 80-year old grandma just commented on Henrik Lundqvist's package. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 262
You deserved it 4 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL for being a rangers fan. good luck trying to get past boston.

or she was talking about his goddamn hockey equipment. you're retarded


Gavik 0

Everyone who took #12 seriously fails. As a hockey player myself, I fail to see how anyone could check out a goalie's "package" mid-game. Too much padding.

*rofl* Congratulations to your awesome granny :)

how is that an FML?? you got an awesome should be happy...GEEZ what's wrong with ppl....those FMLs are getting lamer every day

have to say, the way this is written, she could have been talking about his actual hockey equipment, probably meaning his helmet design. But that's just me. At least your grandma has good taste anyway. CAPS RULE!!!!!! :D Had to put that out there. Rangers are awesome, won't be surprised if they win this round, but i Love my caps!!!!!!!

Caps Rock!!! So much better tha hte rangers...but Ranal's right wouldn't be surprised if they win the round..

dancercuity922 0

Rangers SUCK! Lets Go Caps!!!

i see how you feel RANGERS SUCK AVERY SUCKS LUNDQUVIST SUCKS LETS GO OVECHKIN Ohhh and #12 if your serious im coming to you house with a knife right now

commenter2 0

Rangers suck your lucky your going to beat the capitols!!!!!!!!! - to #7 get a life the rangers are a hockey team wow.