By dareyale - 26/07/2013 06:10 - United States - Bessemer

Today, my grandma walked into my house drunk. She was mumbling something about her being a badass because she beat someone with a pool stick at a bar. She's 68 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 109
You deserved it 4 160

dareyale tells us more.

Hey guys OP here. Well I love my grandma but she always decides to come in during the early hours of the morning. She's always been like this. This one time when I was younger she took me on a wild hunt for her boyfriend. We pulled up outside an old motel and there he was. In a car. With a Hooker. My grandma jumped out the car and took off. She pulled them both out the car and started beating him. Have you ever seen a Hooker take off so fast in heels?!

Top comments

I would advise that you don't piss her off...


I guess she won't be knitting or baking cookies anytime soon.

She must have done it in her youth. Daydreaming about the past

IT_Nird95 9

This sounds like something my seventh degree black belt grandma would say if drunk. That's an awesome grandma you got there.

Does this sound like George Lopez's mother from his show? Anyone.. heh

Hey guys OP here. Well I love my grandma but she always decides to come in during the early hours of the morning. She's always been like this. This one time when I was younger she took me on a wild hunt for her boyfriend. We pulled up outside an old motel and there he was. In a car. With a Hooker. My grandma jumped out the car and took off. She pulled them both out the car and started beating him. Have you ever seen a Hooker take off so fast in heels?!

I'm sorry but I wouldn't be able to come home sober to that face either

Can you be any more rude? Get a life, #110

Fireashes250 16

What's your problem #110? You won't even show your whole face. So stop being rude to other people for no reason. :D

Your life fascinates me, OP. I can't wait to see your grandma on Top 20 Most Shocking. FYL, though.

That in and of its self is very own FML. Please send in more granny, ho beating awesomeness.

Baytheshark 14

My grandma was crazy like this. :) I miss her.

nurchok 15

Enjoy your badass grandma while you can. She won't always be around. I just lost one, now have only one left, and I live on the other side of the planet...

Obey_StudBoii 23

Sadly yes. I too live in Alabama. And the hookers down here can run really fast. Specially when someone is beating the crap out of their "John" and it aint their pimp.

45thTBirds 7

Today, some old lady beat my ass for having sex with my boyfriend. FML

sounds like my boyfriends grandma. Wish I had a grandma like that.

Just wait till she hits 69! Ba-dum-tsss!

RedPillSucks 31

She's not gonna hit 69, she's gonna beat the shit outta it!