By emliv12 - 25/05/2012 07:07 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my grandmother told me my favorite top had a permanent smell of BO, despite my constant deodorant use. I wear the top to work just about every shift. I now realize all the weird little comments my coworkers have made are actually hints to go take a shower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 700
You deserved it 28 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it came from your grandma and not your boss, eh?


smydiwannafthata 5

Deodorant is NOT SOAP. It does NOT clean the filth off you, it only masks your stench temporarily. Common sense doesn't seem to be very common these days.

What's baffling me the most is that OP didn't even consider washing the shirt....before the smell became permanent. Just because it's your favorite shirt doesn't mean it's exempt from the dirty laundry pile. If anything, they should be washing MORE often than their other clothes.

It's uncommon sense now. Only awesome people have it.

Nowhere does it say that OP never washes or takes showers - she just says she uses deodorant regularly (which I can imagine is more convenient to use at work than washing yourself). It doesn't say that OP doesn't wash the shirt either. Some people just have such strong BO that it doesn't go away after washing just once. A friend of mine has real issues with that - not only does his sweat smell really strongly, he sweats all day long (even right after washing). After trying all the conventional methods like applying creams containing aluminium, he's actually considering getting some of the sweat glands removed. I know bad hygiene might be the easiest thing to post as a cause, but it isn't necessarily true. I could imagine reading all these "omg wash" and "omg you so gross take a shower" comments might be quite harsh on someone who is already self conscious about her BO. (yes, I know this is the internet and she shouldn't post here if she's not ready to be burned down to the ground... But still)

To use my common sense I think that the OP does shower and wash the shirt regularly. I think wearing it everyday is what does it. I have 5 work shirts. I work 5-6 days in a row. All the shirts are the same but 1. For some reason the cut is slightly different. I wear it sometimes 2 days in a row. There is no BO smell but I can't get the smell of my perfume out of it. Even fresh out of the washer and off the line I still smell it. Maybe OP's is similar only with sweat instead.

118 - yes, quite possible :). Another thing though, we don't know if OP works every day. She just mentions "every shift" so that might even only be once a week.

You wear the same top everyday? Wash your top!

flashback.miss 28

Althouh, one must question: OP.. don't you have more than one shirt you could wear to work? O.o

murphdarkly 13

She said she wears it every shift, I'm doubting it's an everyday type of job, but more like a part time job

kandi_kid69 15

She could still try to switch it up and wash the shirt with better detergent maybe.

I doubt better detergent will help this case... Sooo, time to BLEACH THAT SHIT! :)

buy many tops. & wash the one you have. & if its white bleach it. & a better deodorant. put it constantly! good luck op

You placed random periods throughout your comment and yet you forgot the only one that's actually needed at the very end. *sigh, loosing hope for the English language*

KelBelAndNats 7

Yet, 85, you used 'loosing' instead of 'losing'. At least double check your own comment before trying to shoot someone else down!

66 - Flippin' autocorrect. I do know the difference between the two (loose vs lose), but clearly my phone does not.

does it matter how I write online? Its FML. I can write however I want! I know how to write a good paper, it does not have to be perfect. Its a comment not a damm essay

Aw sorry to hear OP maybe get two more of the same shirt that way you won't smell. Don't let it get to you I'm sure your co-workers won't hold it against you. Take care OP!! :)

olpally 32

No one likes a kiss-ass on FML #17... we all know noor is great, just thumb her up and move along...

Wash your clothes. You can take a million showers and cake all the deodorant on you want, but if your clothes are smelly, you'll be smelly.