By miss cranky pants - 30/10/2010 05:03 - United States

Today, my gynecologist was having trouble with my exam due to me being "too tight." I'm 24. After the explanation of having been pretty inactive in over a year, she exclaimed, "Damn, girl, we really need to find you a boyfriend!" Yeah, tell me about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 469
You deserved it 4 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you have a very good relationship with your gyno, I'd say that it was pretty unprofessional of them to make a comment like that.

I'm pretty sure you could get by without a boyfriend...


jmole18 0

sounds like fun but you look like a doosh

restythestar 0
wriptidez 0

Hey OP, I got something that'll loosen you up!

warrsoldier209 0

if yu koo lokin i can help yu out

BrzlnBrwni 0

yea like that's good that she's tight.... why would u wanna be loose???

alot of the commenters, I'm guessing are either male, or really immature. if you have morals, and you don't wanna **** stamped across your forehead then good for you! it shouldn't matter if you're ugly or pretty, fat or skinny, as long as your happy with you and the choices you make then you're ok in my book. :) so don't listen to these haterrrs lol!