By Anonymous - 06/03/2017 18:00

Today, my housemate blew chunks all over the freshly-painted walls in the bathroom. The paint was still wet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 216
You deserved it 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's awful, but I'm a little curious what that would look like when it dries.

Just tell all who see it that you're a huge Jackson Pollock fan. They'll be envious of your amazing tribute.


species4872 19

Totally could have done with out the gif. (I know it was not the poster but the website but UGH)

lil_miss_aries 4

Hahaha lovin' the Team America gif!

Vermonster94 1

Let it dry and sell it as fine art, people will pay millions for what I assume that looks like.

HEnRyEdwardsIII 15

Hey, look at the bright side, now you can either take this great opportunity to repaint to a color that doesn't induce vomiting or enjoy the new textured finish.

Awwww, disgusting! Also, I don't appreciate seeing that gif. If I see puke, I end up puking, too. So thanks for that.