By Party Pooper - 25/05/2015 01:59 - United States

Today, my housemates are throwing a huge house party to celebrate finishing their finals. It's 4:30am and people are still arriving. I have my last final in 3 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 659
You deserved it 2 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that is extremely inconsiderate. They couldn't wait a day?

Should have called the cops on them for disturbing the peace


inconsiderate...nice housemates you have.

That is really insensitive of your room mates. Some people deserve to be slapped. I hope you ace your final with or without sleep. Good luck.

Housemates? I'd be kicking people to the curb. Get the heck out of my house! Hope your final went well.

They seriously couldn't wait one day?

yosico22 16

Just finishing? They don't even know if they actually passed? That's pretty stupid.

momac86 17

Sounds like u should splurge on a hotel suite and then stick them with the bill

**** their inconsideration, call the cops with a noise complaint. You don't have to say that you live there, just leave the complaint anonymous

alextaylor86 8

**** that I'd wreck that party tell people to gtfo. not cool at all

You could have just gone to the library or a quite place on campus to study or sleep.