By Party Pooper - 25/05/2015 01:59 - United States

Today, my housemates are throwing a huge house party to celebrate finishing their finals. It's 4:30am and people are still arriving. I have my last final in 3 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 659
You deserved it 2 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that is extremely inconsiderate. They couldn't wait a day?

Should have called the cops on them for disturbing the peace


xluciferx666 21

obviously that's the only thing to do.

I laughed way too hard at this comment lol

The only reason they would need coats if this was in Alaska...but that's me from hell so that's irrelevant

That really sucks. Use some earplugs! Good luck on finals op!

They should've waited just one more day and then partied hard!

Sathane 21

Call in an anonymous noise complaint.

I make it 2.59am when this was posted! That extra 1hr and one min should make all the difference ;)

You can call the authorities and make an anonymous complaint. I reported my own apartment that way once after I has repeatedly asked my roommate and her friends to keep it down so I could study. She never found out it was me. It might be something that would help you.

OP left to study somewhere else...what else would OP do if they have an exam to study for

mwali02 32

Good luck for your exam! Hope it went well! :)