By LizzyJones - 20/08/2013 17:38 - United Kingdom - Derby

Today, my husband bought me a present for our three year anniversary. It was a pack of 20 cigarettes. I don't smoke. He does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 188
You deserved it 8 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

give him tampons and pink nail polish


And his thought was, "My addiction is more important than you."

So while he's not looking stomp on them and throw them away.

MissCharlotte_fml 26

Go buy yourself some nice shoes... for "him" of course.

Next year charge an expensive piece of jewelry for yourself on his card and say its not for you it's for me

Guess who's not getting laid on their 3rd anniversary!

Wow, that's highly inconsiderate of him. Sorry op!

It's a trap OP, he's secretly trying to kill you slowly. "Til' death do us part"

There's a fix for that. It's called DIVORCE.

Three Cigarettes for the Hippie-kings under the sky, Seven for the Cuban-lords in their huts of stone, Nine for Biker Men doomed to ride One for the Dark Wife (you) on her dark throne In the Land of U.K where the Queen hogs the gold.... He just couldn't afford the rings.

Xatraris 38

One pack to rule them all, one pack to find them. One pack to bring them all, and in the darkness smoke them.

Bluelephant88 5

Put them somewhere in the house where he can see them but don't let him use them because there "your gift" then next time he will think first before buying you something that is really for him lol