By Jenn P - 22/04/2012 03:15 - United States - Wichita Falls

Today, my husband drew a penis on every one of my cigarettes. It's a new pack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 967
You deserved it 70 634

Same thing different taste


That awkward moment where cigarette smoking isn't enough for you.

I lost two close family members from lung cancer. One was from tobacco use, the other from asbestos. I was a caretaker for one of them and saw, hands down, the worst moments of their life. I was grateful for being able to spend time with the one I was a caretaker for [the one that had asbestos exposure]. Getting him to smile was the best thing in the whole world. But, it's physically and mentally draining. Frankly, I hope you shape up, or that your husband dumps your selfish ass. It's not fair to him to #1 risk medical complications due to YOUR nasty little habit. and #2- he doesn't deserve the hell of taking care of someone with terminal cancer...if it's a cancer that's contracted by YOUR conscious, careless, selfish DECISION to smoke. He's trying to get you to stop. So, be a grown up and STOP.

80, If she was smoking before he met her then he has no right to judge her for it now. He had the choice to move on and find someone who met his needs. Keep in mind, I am 100% against smoking. While I think it's good of him to be trying to fix her habit, its another thing entirely to judge her as selfish for wanting to continue. It's not like she just pulled out a pack despite knowing he was against smoking and we can assume they've been married less time than she has smoked. You need to calm the hell down.

How can you be mad at that it's hilarious! I don't smoke but if my fiancé did something like that to me it would turn into an all out war of drawing inappropriate pictures on each others stuff

Well that's one way to get you to quit smoking

it's NLP baby! you will be desensitivized to the concept of a dick in yo mouth

Once again, non smokers snobbery rears it's ugly head. Yes she smokes, yes she knows it's bad for her and what the consequences may be, as do I every time I light one up, telling her to "grow up and stop" is possibly the most idiotic thing I've read this week, like it's that easy to just give up an addiction. Just because she smokes, doesn't make her a bad person so stop treating her like one. We all do stuff that's bad or dangerous for us so stop acting like you don't and stay on topic, he drew on her property, I wouldn't be impressed if someone drew on my stuff, and neither would any of the others on here who are saying she deserves it because she smokes. Bore off you self righteous asses.

You can both **** off and smoke your cancer sticks. Don't get all self-righteous by calling anti-smokers self-righteous. The fact is that smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the world. There is not one single health benefit to smoking, and tobacco should have been banned years ago. Don't think that smoking just affects you, either. No, I'm not talking about second hand smoke. I'm talking about the BILLIONS of dollars/euros/yuen/pounds that are spent annually to treat all the various smoking-related diseases because you were STUPID enough to start smoking and too STUPID to figure out how to quit.

Agreed, it's very bold of so many people here to tell others how to live there lives.

Both of my parent used to smoke and they both stopped. Yeah, it isn't easy for the first couple of months, but it is possible. If you really knew how bad smoking is for yourself and others around you, you wouldn't do it.

I was about to post the exact same thing. THANK YOU!!!!!

isis_morrigan 18

Yes! It's our own choice! Everyone wants to bitch about smoking, but let's ignore alcohol and it's harmful affects, or how about fast food?

I have no problem with smokers, personally. It's not my business if you want to kill yourself. However, I simply cannot stand people who smoke around other people who are not smokers themselves. That is extremely inconsiderate and absolutely disgusting and I think the amount of people who do that is the reason the rest of you get such a hard time.

isis_morrigan - Of course it's your own choice how to kill yourself. But don't try to change the subject to alcohol. We aren't talking about alcohol, which DOES actually have health benefits if used in moderation. Tobacco, on the other hand, has none. Zero. Zilch. Nada. NOTHING.

isis_morrigan 18

Doc-I'm not trying to change the subject, I am simply trying to point out that almost everyone has an unhealthy vice, but none are looked down upon as much as smoking. I don't smoke around others, it's my habit. I make it a point to go well away from others in a public area. And no, there are no health benefits, but it's something I will continue to do until I choose not to. And very few people who drink alcohol are using it in moderation and for health benefits. And most if they claim it's for health benefits, it's kind of like saying "well, I don't use cocaine, I just like the smell of it"

See Doc, now what was I saying about us agreeing on things every now and then...;) 89, Did anyone say it wasn't easy? Are you trying to suggest that because something is hard we shouldn't expect people to do it? Well, finding a job is hard you know, so maybe we shouldn't judge people who decide they just want to live off welfare for the rest of their lives. You know what else is hard? School. Yeah, lets give drop outs more credit, because math can be a bitch. Don't worry about how he drew on her property, it won't be around long enough for that to matter. If you were burning all your stuff I would have to wonder why it is you care that people are drawing on it. It's not like she cares about inhaling toxic why the hate?