By Jenn P - 22/04/2012 03:15 - United States - Wichita Falls

Today, my husband drew a penis on every one of my cigarettes. It's a new pack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 967
You deserved it 70 634

Same thing different taste


yogalindsay 0
alliebaba7 8

Why are you smoking anyway? Oh people .....?

geod69 8

Walking in public with a ***** in ur mouth is better then smoking

He's telling you to put your oral fixation to a better use

scotty35503 5

I wish every comment wasn't about how smoking is bad for you. That's quite simply, the most dumbly obvious thing anyone could say. Try commenting about the FML instead of something EVERYONE already knows. All of that being said, what the heck is so bad about a drawing on a cigarette? It's something you're going to burn anyway, it's not like he drew it on your clothes.

ShelbyGray 8

YDI for smoking. Time to quit.

Maybe he did that because your a dumbfuck who smokes.