By Jenn P - 22/04/2012 03:15 - United States - Wichita Falls

Today, my husband drew a penis on every one of my cigarettes. It's a new pack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 967
You deserved it 70 634

Same thing different taste


KingCeltic77 18

I don't smoke, but the OP can smoke if she wants. That's her business.

Well you are already slowly killing yourself so this can be a wake up call, target than smoke pay more attention to your husband.

cayytee 0

i draw on cigarettes sooo he was probably just bored and didnt mean anything at all.

Strwbry3Shortcke 8

Smoking is hazardous to your health and the people around you. It smells, it makes your teeth yellow and it's just gross.

isis_morrigan 18

Wow, thanks for telling us! None of us smokers were aware of this, I'm sure! Why does everyone feel the need to inform us that it's bad for you? I'm well aware, thanks. You telling me again isn't going to influence me to quit!!!

Quiet_one 22

Yes. This ^. I'm not a smoker and have pretty strong feelings against it, but even I get annoyed with all of the over-the-top "you're an idiot, etc. etc." stuff. I don't think I'll ever understand why people start to smoke these days, knowing full well how bad it is for you, but I also know that nothing I say is going to change anyone's mind about it. I mean, do you really think anyone is going to say "Oh look! A stranger on the internet told me not to do something I'm already addicted to. Well, in that case I guess I'd better stop!" No. smh.

If you didn't smoke then he wouldn't have done that. YDI. He's probabley just trying to make you quit.

So does that mean you're not going to smoke them? If yes, he did a very good thing.

Alicelover123 2

Maybe it's time to get the clue and you know, quit smoking?

Give up on the cigarettes, start smoking his pipe instead. Cum won't give you lung cancer or make your clothes smell (too) horribly.