By strawberrywine22 - 28/09/2012 02:14 - United States - Torrance

Today, my husband of five years left me for a woman ten years older than himself who lives nine hours away. He met her online two weeks ago while playing Call of Duty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 916
You deserved it 2 694

strawberrywine22 tells us more.

strawberrywine22 30

OP here :) No, I'm NOT a terrible wife. I had a situation that caused sex to be very painful for me, so we weren't doing it very much. He got frustrated, this ***** started chatting with him. I moved in with my parents, and two weeks later he ended it with her (without even meeting her in person yet) realizing that it was his sexual frustration talking. We are back together and working things out, which is easier now that I've been to the doctor and had my situation taken care of. Thanks for the sympathy, and a big FECK OFF to the haters ;)

Top comments

SApprentice 34

Ah well, don't worry about it too much. They'll both become addicted to various games until their relationship falls apart from neglect. Now you know what kind of character he has, and can find someone who is really good for you.

randomthing 22


Funny I met my boyfriend of two years now playing cod it's like once they find a girl that approves of their addiction they don't care what they look like or what makes a good housewife I'm sure he will regret his decision later since she won't cook clean or have a job just her addiction as well they figure it out on their own

I feel your pain my ex wife did the same but it was left 4 dead 2 but karma was a bitch to her

askr22 6

call of duty can do many things, trust me.

I met mine on cod, but we both play and are in the same city. Best situation ever! Some guys don't know how good they have it.

I agree with you Cod ******* sucks Halo and Battlefield woo

mookiemookie01 24

Damn. There sounds like theres something wrong with your husband if he'd do that.

dotnix 1