By strawberrywine22 - 28/09/2012 02:14 - United States - Torrance

Today, my husband of five years left me for a woman ten years older than himself who lives nine hours away. He met her online two weeks ago while playing Call of Duty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 916
You deserved it 2 694

strawberrywine22 tells us more.

strawberrywine22 30

OP here :) No, I'm NOT a terrible wife. I had a situation that caused sex to be very painful for me, so we weren't doing it very much. He got frustrated, this ***** started chatting with him. I moved in with my parents, and two weeks later he ended it with her (without even meeting her in person yet) realizing that it was his sexual frustration talking. We are back together and working things out, which is easier now that I've been to the doctor and had my situation taken care of. Thanks for the sympathy, and a big FECK OFF to the haters ;)

Top comments

SApprentice 34

Ah well, don't worry about it too much. They'll both become addicted to various games until their relationship falls apart from neglect. Now you know what kind of character he has, and can find someone who is really good for you.

randomthing 22


Fallensorrow 3

Wow that's pretty messed up. Why are older people playing call of duty. Just kidding, but on a serious note I'm sorry to hear that. Now it's time to pick up the prices and move on with your life. Oh and by the way take him for everything he's got

Epikouros 31

Mr. Call of Duty should have taken that title more seriously.

lonecracker 5

Don't take him back when it fails. You are worth more then that and you deserve better.

The bottom line here is that he chose to make a life long commitment and is now backing out on his word. A person is nothing without their word. If you can't honor a LIFE LONG COMMITMENT, then don't make one. The reason for breaking his word shouldn't matter, that fact That he's breaking it for ANY reason should. On a side note, I LOVE Call of Duty and I'm getting married in one month. My fiancée doesn't play and Id never leave after vowing to God to stay for life.

I wish I had a perfect world to live in, like some of the posters...

thathipsterchick 2

Well if he plays cod then u should be glad he is gone

DMarie2014 5

Women that old are playing Call of Duty? Huh.. Well you're better off without him if he is like that. Find a better guy, someone who will give you more time instead of online people.

Sorry OP but it sounds like your husband is an inconsiderate arsehole! The relationship will fall apart soon! Call Of Duty, ruining relationships since 2003!