By okseñoryoucrazy - 02/02/2015 00:43 - United States - Tacoma
Same thing different taste
By oh for f*cks sake - 20/03/2017 12:00 - Czech Republic - Prague
By TiredMommy - 20/04/2017 18:00 - United States - Southbridge
By WOCOACH - 09/09/2009 19:33 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/07/2013 16:27 - Germany - K?ln
By Anonymous - 01/06/2010 16:43 - United States
By Eringobrag88 - 27/06/2011 16:08 - United States
By whymyroomthough - 06/08/2014 22:18 - United States - San Francisco
By animelover - 25/07/2010 23:21 - Canada
By FullMonty - 15/09/2012 23:26 - United States - Milwaukee
By deerling - 18/03/2019 06:00 - United States - Phoenix
Top comments
Would it be embarrassing to admit that I'm still scared of penises and I'm 15 years old?
Yes, yes it would.
Said the guy with the phallic picture.
Paco pls
He said penises...... Does he have more than one? I would be ******* scared too.
sound like you just have a tiny dick, it would scare me to
"Phallic"? It's a taco. If anything, it's… something that looks like a penis is phallic, so what's the word for something that looks like a ******?
To be fair, #12's picture looks like a banana if you just glance at it. To answer the above question, ****** translates to sheath or scabbard. So...yeah.
@84, vaginal?
The word for ******-like is "yonic".
To be fair they are scary, I mean it can make people
Make people...what? The suspense is too great!
Kinda the point. #55
#60, I believe she was referring to #30 saying "Make people... what?". #3 didn't add a period after "people".
Captain Obvious, is that you? ;)
It think he means it makes people. As in the creation of people, but honestly it's only the catalyst, the woman does the real work
Kids really do say the dardnest things cx poor little guy. He'll get over it when he's older...hopefully
Or he can be one of those trans gender kids.. In that case, nope.
That has to the best reaction to a penis ever lmfao
I can think of a few better ones
#36 - Totally, I don't know how anybody could disagree, considering this site is 50% a Sex-Gone-Wrong Archive.
Agreed #5. Precisely why I added it to my Favorites.
On the bright side we know he's not gay...
As there's nothing wrong with being gay, that wouldn't be a 'bright side.'
ew.. he is definitely gonna use protection when he grows up.. lol, just kidding.. kids r innocent and it's just a phase that will pass.. u will laugh at it when he grows up and that's some memory to have
At least he wont ********** in public toilet
That doesn't sound good for identity and security development.
Maybe he has premonitions of all the money it's going to cost him.

To be fair they are scary, I mean it can make people
It's better than him peeing on everything or something