By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 17:30 - Germany - K?ln

Today, my husband showed up late to my mother's funeral. He swaggered in, happily finishing off a half-eaten taco. His excuse for why he was so cheerful: "She was an in-law, honey." Good to know I married a piece of shit in disguise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 165
You deserved it 5 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It always makes me sad to see how little respect some people pay to their spouse and spouse's family.

There's nothing else to be said here than seriously reconsider you relationship with him, if not leae him altogether. Your mother, a huge part of your childhood and life, a true bond and a shoulder to hold yourself up on, passed away. His reaction was to non-chalantly turn up late, with a spring in his step, almost relishing her death as a side-dish for his taco and fully aware of the contrast between his cheerfulness and douchebaggery, and this day of mourning. I don't think he has a shred of humanity or decency, and probably not a lot of love for you or your family for him to be able to do that. Get rid of this asshole.


kriseliz 9

My ex-husband did the same type of thing when my aunt died. The betrayal of it makes an already God awful situation so much worse. Just focus on your grief and forget about him for right now. You don't deserve having to deal with him too. My condolences for your loss.

It's not hard to imagine him being happy over his dead mother in law. Maybe your mom sucked.

Regardless of his feelings about his mother-in-law, he should have been supportive of his wife during what is undoubtedly a very difficult time for her.

What an asshole. Even if they didn't get along he could've tried to be a little more respectful. For goodness sake, it was your mothers funeral. FYL.

I have to agree with you. Your husband is a piece of shit. He was extremely disrespectful to act that way in your mother's funeral. Dump him and find someone that respects your family.

The proper response to the death of a hated mother in law is to support your spouse and then go to the grave and dance on it some other day without your spouse. If you simply cannot contain your glee, don't go to the funeral offered offered to watch the house and set up coffee for after.

There was a pretty popular movie that came out called Monster In-law...

even if he didnt like your mother , he still could of shown respect and suport . after all you needed his support the most at the moment and he decides to be an ass . I really hope you leave him and find someone that will truly care for you and not be a douche

jdime209 2

Shows how much he care for your family.

fksfsdhfsdfh 26