By Anonymous - 03/10/2012 04:25 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, my husband spent our entire anniversary sulking because I wasn't up for sex. I gave birth to our first child less than two weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 890
You deserved it 6 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him he needs to rethink his view on what marriage is really about.


Congrats on the new addition but I could've at least jerked him off.

Well yeah, you could have, but I doubt OP would've appreciated that.

Husbands!!!! And then they call u unreasonable.

shawnagreenbean1 9

Awww congratulations, OP. On the baby, not on the inconsiderate husband..

Congrats on the new baby but sorry that hubby probably never listened to the doctor. Ask him if he'd still want sex after pushing a watermelon through an opening the size of a lemon.

SApprentice 34

The same thing happened with my parents. My dad was apparently pretty demanding for sex directly after the first two children, then Mom started bleeding and didn't stop for two years. She got pregnant again, and it stopped, but as soon she gave birth it started again. She'd have to go to the hospital for blood loss sometimes, but he still demanded sex a lot. Then they did a hysterectomy and discovered that she had endometriosis. She hemorrhaged and almost died, then again an hour later after the wounds were closed. My mom's doctor was her friend, a little lady about five foot, and she marched out and pushed my dad against the wall, and she told him that if he tried to make my mother have sex with him within the next six months, it would be murder. I guess he finally listened. I wish so many people in the world weren't like your husband, OP. Husbands should be loving and patient, not act like that.

skyeyez9 24

Seems like alot of husbands are incredibly selfish when it comes to sex.

Just curious, does sex after birth actually cause endometriosis? I did a quick Google search and didn't see it as one of the causes.

Alaysiathegeek 11

To my knowledge the cause of it is unknown but demanding sex will increase her pain to an incredible degree as well as lead to other complications.

afairshake 8

No it doesn't cause endometriosis

Actually, after a quick google search, it might actually be possible for sex to cause endometriosis. It is typically caused by endometrial cells that travel backwards through the fallopian tubes during a woman's period into the pelvis, where they implant and grow. In theory, sex could cause this, but no one knows what causes the condition so it might not cause it

that's inconsiderate of him he should know theres a healing period and an amount of time you need to want to have sex again..congratz on the birth of your baby

skyeyez9 24

After a birth, your ****** feels like ground up hamburger. A man has to be incredibly ******* selfish to expect sex when she hasn't recovered. If he keeps demanding sex, offer to shove a bottle brush wrapped in steel wool up his pooper. Because that is the equivalent of the pain and feeling of having a penis in an extremely sore ******.

rubyliu8420 7

U could at least give him a ********.

Yeah...time to educate the guy on how birthing works. That was an a-hole move to even suggest that. Even if he was ignorant about the healing process, if you explained that to him, he should have stopped the sulking there. But this is only one side of the story. OP could have been exaggerating by what "sulking" means. He could have been discouraged as they couldn't have anniversary sex and that was taken out of context. The odds that a mature man, a father, could be that stupid and childish are probably slim. It could have just been OP's emotions were out of whack and everything is blown up more than should be.

skyeyez9 24

This woman (op) is married to her husband and knows him enough to realize when he is sulking. Also there are more selfish and immature husbands (and wives) out there than you think. Reading enough of these fmls about ignorant spouses doesnt help either.

Unfortunately, being a father had nothing to do with maturity. My own father acts like a selfish ass still too, as do a lot of fathers i know.

While I sympathize with your situation there are other ways to please a man. Oral sex could have been a nice compromise on your special day.