By Sara - 03/10/2012 03:33 - United States - Manassas
Same thing different taste
By xoxo_retailslave420_xoxo - 21/05/2016 12:57 - Australia - Parramatta
By YOU KNOW WHAT, FUCK THE CUSTOMER - 20/07/2013 17:47 - United States - Sherwood
By fastfoodslave - 06/09/2014 06:11 - United States - Northampton
By craigtm029429 - 02/03/2012 00:47 - United States
Too many cooks, etc.
By hazyshadows - 18/03/2020 17:02 - United States - Edmond
By epicsandwichartist - 05/05/2011 07:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/05/2017 22:00
By Me - 31/05/2011 06:49 - United States
By Kaite - 03/05/2018 01:30
By IJustWantedCheez - 27/09/2016 17:37 - United States - San Antonio
Top comments
Dang anger issues?
Apparently she cant take constructive criticism very well.
How ignorant people can be -.-
It's an epidemic of customers who treat employees like shit because they know the employee doesn't want to lose their job. Feel shame customer.
Next order? How about a cyanide sandwich instead?
Bit too far mate, I'd suggest something like mad-cow disease.
Rule #1: Don't **** with the people who make your food. If she ever comes back in, I hope you serve her some spit-soaked justice.
You're hot! :O :)
I **** my girl... . o_O . . O_O . SHE MAKES MY FOOD!!! THAT BITCH!
Same goes for barbers/hairstylists.
Watched that movie "Waiting" I have never complained since.
Oh please oh please don't get in the food business! j/k
Just don't be rude to anyone who works in customer service.. Who does their job properly of course. It ***** us off. Ungrateful tart.
25, it took me a couple minutes to get what you were saying. That's funny!
Then it was worth all the thumb-downs. :)
Oh ya because spitting on someone's food equals assault. Very bad comment.
You'd think she'd know what a sandwich looks like... After making so many...
You're hot! :O :)
That is SO true.
I work at a retail store where we refer to our customers as "guests". I have drawn my own conclusions as to why that is: 1. Guests can't say they're always right. 2. Guests can overstay their welcome, at which point you can ask them to leave.
I work at a retail store as well. This month will be a year, since I've been working there. I have seen a lot of obnoxious, rude, immature customers. The list can go on, but my manager tries to apply that the customer is always right, but I can bring up many times that a customer was wrong.
Customers are often very far from right. I had a waitress ask me to get her some blue cheese for her table one time and five minutes later she comes back. The customer said we gave her honey lime dressing. I gave her the exact same thing the second time and had no complaints. Customers are stupid.
Very true indeed. Ps: like what you wrote about yourself. Genius.
aww I'm sorry op people can be so rude sometimes. you know what they say, what goes around comes around.
Unless you work at Wendy's. Then what comes a square goes a square.
For those of you that don't get it,or didn't pass geometry,a hamburger is supposed to be round. Wendy's are square.
I got it, it was just a lame joke. It's ok, we all have those days. I had one yesterday. iknowthatfeelbro.jpg
It's dumb how ridiculous people can get on tiny things like that.
How old is she, five?
Sounds like one of the many abusers of the "customer is always right" saying.

Rule #1: Don't **** with the people who make your food. If she ever comes back in, I hope you serve her some spit-soaked justice.
Dang anger issues?