By ewww - 03/12/2009 05:59 - United States

Today, my husband stabbed me with his unusually long, nasty toenails in the leg while he slept. It took 3 stitches to fix it up, my husband and doctor laughed the entire time. He still refuses to cut them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 380
You deserved it 3 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GR3453m0nk3y 4

SLIP SOMETHING IN HIS DRINK AND THEN CUT THEM sorry about the caps, i'd fix it but im too lazy

Make him sleep on the couch. Or the porch, if you don't have a couch.


Why would you marry someone like that and then complain?

Mitzi_doll 0

ewwww and you tolerate that? grosss

I'd tell him no sex until they're gone haha

Tell him that he's a hazard and, for safety reasons, won't be allowed in the bed until he takes some hedge clippers to those weapons!

stephnee6888 2

Omg, this has happened to me too!>_

That's when you chop them off while he's sleeping... dope him up with antihistamines to make sure he doesn't wake up in the middle of it... shave his head while you're at it... and draw a penis on his face with Sharpie... payback's a bitch.

dianadoll 23

that is so disgusting. ewww threatened divorce if he won't cut them. y u c k

Well, now you get to watch him get ingrown toenails and have to get shots in the fat, fleshy, sensitive part of his toes.

Just cut them in his sleep if he's refusing. That or make him sleep on the sofa until he cuts them